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Registration is now open for “Leading Change with Courage and Intention,” a workshop that will be presented by the Institute for Civic Leadership (ICL) on June 12th at United Way of Greater Portland from 9 am – 4:30 pm. This interactive session will provide immediately useful concepts and tools to benefit:

  • Individuals who anticipate embarking on a difficult change;
  • Leaders (formal or informal) who want to hone skills to work in complex, changing situations;
  • Teams that want to debrief a recent change process or plan for a future change.

Participants will learn though collective discussion, small group work, team activities and individual application. Led by Laura Moorehead, ICL Director of Training, and Amey Leadley, Training and Development Consultant with KMA Human Resources Consulting, the workshop will explore:

  • What do we need to effectively orchestrate change?
  • What can we learn when we view change as an incubator, a time of ambiguity and chaos, or a challenging crossing to something new?
  • How do we serve others and the issues at stake, without losing ourselves?

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