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Earth Day is on April 22, 2017. Started in 1970, by Gaylord Nelson, Earth Day was a way for Americans to voice their concern for the deteriorating climate. This event created a rare political alignment as people from all walks of life took part in trying towards change. By the end of the year, Earth Day had led to the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the passing of the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species acts. You can learn more about the history of Earth Day by clicking here.

Many of us are engaged in practices to be good stewards of our planet. Take a minute to see what our friends at Woodard & Curran are doing to make a difference in the world.

woodard-curran-logoIn 2015 Woodard & Curran’s office in Andover, MA created the “Earth Week Challenge” to increase awareness and generate excitement around environmental sustainability. Last year, they adapted the challenge to be company-wide and, this week, they are hosting the 2017 challenge.

During the week, teams will take part in environmentally friendly actions around their offices and homes, each with assigned points. Last year, 54 employees took part in the team competition! This year they hope to double the participation in this fun-filled and spirited week of competition.

On April 20, they will hold their fourth annual Earth Day Celebration to provide an update of the Sustainability Committee’s recent and ongoing efforts while also partnering with the Woodard & Curran Foundation, highlighting a recent Woodard & Curran Foundation grant recipient.

woodard-curran-foundEarth Day is a time for all of us to think about ways to be more sustainable. Developing strategies and processes will allow your company to function in a healthier way, but also in a more efficient and cheaper way.

What can you do to leave a better footprint behind?