
Register for our complimentary webinar on October 1st: Preparing for Maine’s PFMLA: What Every Business Needs to Know

ABC Maine and the Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA) of Maine are teaming up to present “Techniques and New Trends for Better Analyzing Finances.”

This breakfast seminar features a presentation by KMA and is designed to provide construction companies with the latest information on proven techniques and new trends for better analyzing finances, best practices for contracting, legal assessment, human resources, and workers compensation.

Other speakers include Albin, Randall & Bennett, Bernstein Shur, Skillings Shaw & Associates, and Central Maine Partners in Health.

The seminar takes place Wednesday, September 16 at the Double Tree Hilton in South Portland, starting at 8:00 am with coffee and socializing.

Register by Friday, September 11 by emailing membership@abcmaine.org. The cost is $25 for ABC Members & CFMA Members; $40 for non-members.

The Maine Chapter of CFMA serves as the primary resource for construction financial excellence in the state of Maine. Founded in 1987, their members include construction firms, general contractors, construction managers, specialty contractors, and trade contractors, as well as service providers to the construction industry, such as accounting firms, information technology firms, insurance, and surety bonding providers.

ABC Maine is the Maine Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors, a national association founded in 1950, which now has 72 chapters representing 22,000 merit shop construction and construction-related firms.