
What are the most common HR challenges we’re helping our clients solve today? Read our Q&A with Kim Rummler and find out!

Hope Pollard, CEO, Associated Builders & Contractors Maine

What advice would you offer women entering a traditionally male-dominated industry?

1. Be authentic and genuine. Be yourself. Every person brings a unique value and skill to the team.
2. We all have the gift of choice. Choose wisely; choose to be positive.
3. Help those around you to be successful. We all aspire to be effective and to win, and if you help others, they will help you.
4. Realize that you are the creator of your career and success. It all starts with you.
5. Lastly, some great advice I choose to live by is: create a personal board of directors, or a circle of people, that will help you succeed — both personally and professionally. They will be there to offer feedback, assistance in major and minor decision making, career pathway development, and so much more.