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Trust your instincts and be curious. Ask lots of questions and understand the why behind what you are doing. Each experience (good or bad) is a lesson. Be humble and soak up the knowledge you are exposed to – employers want to teach you. Feel good about where you are (even if it’s not your exact plan); you have worked hard to get there.

June 1, 2022

It’s graduation season, and it’s a good bet that someone in your life is getting ready to launch, whether from high school, college, graduate school or other certification program. This month’s message is for them, and for the supporting cast – parents and family members, educators and mentors – who helped these graduates along the way.

At KMA, we often meet with people who are entering the workforce for the first time to offer career advice and practical tips for navigating the transition from student to employee, and in a sense, from child to adult. I asked the KMA team to offer their words of wisdom, whether practical or aspirational. We also spoke with Melissa Fowler, School Counselor at Greely High School, Cumberland, Maine, for her best advice to high school graduates. This guidance falls into five themes, and we end with a list of Ten Practical Tips for Starting Your Career (but it’s actually a good reminder to all of us, at any stage!).
You can read the whole post here, and please feel free to share with all the grads in your life!

As always, please reach out to us if we can assist you with your HR needs, or with recruiting, retaining and compensating talent in a very challenging labor market. We’ve got you!

Kim Anania
President and CEO
KMA Human Resources Consulting

Here’s what else is going on at KMA this month

Q&A With Leora Kirk

We asked Leora Kirk, Senior HR Consultant at KMA, about the current trends in employee benefits and perks, and for her advice on how to be competitive in recruiting and retaining talent. Read the blog here.