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Maine’s “Best Places to Work” for 2017 were recently named at The Society for Human Resource Management’s Maine State annual awards and recognition dinner in Augusta.

Top honors in each category of employer (250 or more employees, 50 to 249 employees, and fewer than 50 employees) went to Edward Jones of Belfast (their fourth consecutive win); Patriot Subaru of Saco; and Maine Information Network, based in Augusta, respectively.

The annual “Best Places to Work in Maine” program recognizes companies that have established and consistently fostered outstanding workplace environments. The assessment process, administered by Best Companies Group, evaluates each company’s employee policies and procedures as well as survey responses from company employees.

In addition to the top honorees, a list of 80 companies that “made the cut” as a best place to work, was released in August.

As a sponsor of the annual “Best Places” program again this year, KMA is pleased to honor these companies that have shown best practices in compliance with state and federal laws and regulations, employee relations and engagement, hiring and retention practices, and various other aspects of their HR and organizational development needs. CONGRATULATIONS!

The top three companies named in each category were:

Large company (250 or more U.S. employees)

  1. Edward Jones, multiple locations
  2. Machias Savings Bank, multiple locations
  3. Consigli Construction Co. Inc., Portland

Medium company (50 to 249 U.S. employees)

  1. Patriot Subaru of Saco
  2. JMG, Multiple locations
  3. SGC Engineering LLC, multiple locations

Small company (15 to 49 U.S. employees)

  1. Maine Information Network, Augusta
  2. SFX AMERICA, Portland
  3. MPX, Portland

For more information on the program and complete ranked listings, read the Maine Biz article, Top employers named as ‘Best Places to Work in Maine.’

Could You Be One of Maine’s Top Employers?

If you would like to explore how your company might benefit from participating in next year’s Best Places to Work program—or get a head start this year—contact KMA to discuss.