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“The Generational Conversation 2.0”

  • Wednesday, May 9, 2018 from 2:45 pm to 4:15 pm

The Maine HR Convention is next week, May 8 to 11, at the Samoset Resort in Rockport. This year’s convention is packed with top speakers from Maine, New England, and around the country, plus dozens of exhibitors, sponsors, and workshops for both HR credit and Business credit.

Among this year’s guest faculty are KMA Human Resources consultant Lucy Ditzel and Clark Insurance’s James Brissenden. Building on the success of last year’s “Three Under 30” workshop, which offered participants an opportunity to hear about the newest members of the workforce from those who know them best—millennials—Lucy and James will take that discussion to the net step with “The Generational Conversation 2.0.”

From the perspective of young professionals in Maine, they will engage the audience in exploring and understanding the logic behind what makes for a truly productive generational conversation so that participants leave with actionable takeaways to bring back to the workplace.

About the Speakers

Lucy Ditzel is a consultant with KMA Human Resources Consulting. She has an extensive background in recruiting, staffing, training, and the development and implementation of onboarding processes for new employees. Lucy received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Simmons College in Boston, MA, where she graduated Cum Laude. Lucy is a national member of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), and a member of the Human Resources Association of Southern Maine (HRASM).


James Brissenden runs the marketing, advertising, social media, and philanthropic engagement for Clark Insurance. He has a degree in Psychology from Bates College and also serves as the Communications Director of the Society for Human Resource Management Maine State Council (MESHRM).

Join Us for KMA-Zing prizes

If you’re one of the 850 participants, sponsors, and vendors attending the convention, be sure to stop by the KMA booth to say hello, spin our wheel to win “KMA-Zing prizes,” and learn more about KMA’s services, including HR administration and guidance, recruiting, HR assessments, compensation analysis, and learning programs.

WHAT: Maine HR Convention
WHEN: May 8 to 11, 2018
WHERE: Samoset Resort, Rockport, Maine

For more information and to register, visit the Maine HR Convention website.

Learn More & Register