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November 1, 2022

Greetings, and happy Movember! The KMA team is proud to support men’s health – both physical and mental – and to focus on suicide prevention, early intervention and overall wellbeing among men.

Learn more about Movember and how you can help build a world where “men take action to be mentally well, and are supported by those around them.”

As HR professionals, we know how important promoting mental health in the workplace has become. This month is an excellent reminder for employers to recommit to destigmatizing mental health challenges, and to build workplace structures that enable a better work/life balance, reduce burnout, and encourage healthy behaviors for everyone. Leaders who invest in their employees’ wellbeing build a more positive and resilient employer brand that can attract, recruit and retain talent, and in turn are better set up for business success. If you’re ready to assess your company’s culture and determine what steps you might take to improve upon it (and there is always room for improvement), please reach out to us.

This month, as we prepare for Thanksgiving, and the holiday season to follow, I’m also focusing on gratitude. I am grateful for the trusted partnerships KMA has built over a decade and a half in business, for the incredible team we have working on behalf of our valued clients throughout New England and beyond, and for all the friends, family and extended family members (my “framily”) who enrich my life with their love and support.

On behalf of all of us at KMA, I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving, with all your loved ones (and favorite dishes) at the table, and comforting memories of those who you may be missing.

As I say every year, save room for the pie!

Kim Anania

President and CEO

KMA Human Resources

Join the KMA Team

If you’ve ever wondered if KMA would be a good place to bring your talents (or if you know someone who might), we need to talk! Our aim is to provide opportunities for growing deeply rewarding careers that are centered on exceptional client service. We are currently recruiting for the following positions at KMA:

Human Resources Consultant

Recruiting Consultant

Client Support Associate

We are also recruiting for our clients – find a list of current job openings here.

The KMA 2022 Benefits Survey Results are In

In a candidate’s market like we are experiencing today, with rapid change and uncertainty, the need for strategic and thoughtful total rewards is more important than ever. Candidates will be considering more than just salary when accepting an offer or deciding to stay with their current employer. Conducting an annual assessment of your benefits will ensure that you are staying competitive and keeping or acquiring the talent you need to be successful as an organization.

Through KMA’s work helping businesses address current human resources challenges, we discovered a need for comprehensive local benefit data. Our 2022 Benefits Survey Report provides detailed insights into the New England-specific market, including:

  • Paid Time Off
  • Insurance
  • Retirement
  • Flexible Work
  • Reimbursements

If you would like to purchase this report, please contact us today.

Webinar: Examining the Challenges – Legal and Logistical – With Bringing Employees Back into the Office

Tuesday, November 15th from 12-1 PM

Rhoda McVeigh will sit down with Alfred Gray, Jr., Partner in the Labor and Employment Practice Group at Rubin and Rudman in Boston, to discuss some of the most challenging legal issues employers are confronting today. What are the key factors to consider in a return to office mandate? What are the consequences of “quiet quitting?” and what can managers do about this destructive trend? We’ll also look at what employers need to know about protected speech at, and outside of, work, AKA “protected protest,” among other complicated legal matters. Rhoda will do the interviewing, but you’ll have a chance to ask some questions, too. Please join us!

Register here.

Al Gray is a Partner in the Labor and Employment Practice Group at Rubin and Rudman in Boston. Al is also a member of the Education group where he applies his labor and employment skills for the Massachusetts State Universities. For more than three decades, Al has represented employers in all facets of labor and employment law issues.