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Case Study: Sea Bags

Strategic Partners Through Rapid Growth

Sea Bags logo

Since 1999, Sea Bags has been repurposing used sails into handcrafted bags and accessories, preventing 1.5 million pounds of material from going into landfills. They have experienced rapid growth, from a small team headquartered in Portland, Maine, to a thriving retail business with 250 employees, and nearly 50 retail locations across the U.S.

Partners Through Rapid Growth

For nearly a decade, KMA has partnered with Sea Bags to help grow their team, recruiting and hiring talent at the executive, managerial and manufacturing levels. We’ve also helped them develop their employee handbook and consulted with them on a variety of HR and compensation projects. Watching Sea Bags prosper and fulfill their mission has been a high point for the team at KMA. To have a part in our clients’ success is what motivates us every day.


The Work

  • Employee Handbook Development
  • Recruited for 20+ Executive, Managerial, and Manufacturing Positions
  • Ongoing HR Consulting and Guidance 
  • Compliance Reviews
  • Compensation Market Assessments
Sea Bags display in Portland, Maine

“KMA has been a trusted partner for us as we’ve grown from a handful of employees in one location to over 200 crossing 15 states in the US. We’ve relied on their expertise for recruiting, managing and retaining our talent, and general HR issues ranging from the mundane to the most complex issues, and they have consistently provided us with excellent service and guidance.”

– Beth Greenlaw, President, Sea Bags