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We are HR. 

Proudly Serving Massachusetts

As a business owner, staying on top of Human Resources and compliance issues can be a challenge. With KMA as your partner, you gain a trusted ally and advisor with more than 100 years of collective HR experience to help you successfully navigate your personal HR maze.


KMA - Image - working from home
KMA - Image - working from home
KMA - Image - working from home

Find out what it’s like to have a team of highly skilled, expert HR professionals by your side who know the ins and outs of HR, and offer support and guidance through honest communication and our belief to always do the right thing.

How we can help you


We offer customized support for individuals and companies seeking HR knowledge, expertise and solutions. From staying compliant with state and federal regulations to managing employee relations and engagement issues to everything in between, we make HR simple.


Our Services Include

HR Advising

KMA is dedicated to resolving your HR worries with integrity, competence, and reliability.


Hiring the most qualified people reduces turnover, creates positive workplace morale, and boosts productivity.


Is your compensation structure working to secure the talent you need?

Are you ready to have more time to run your business, reduce risk and save money by partnering with KMA for your HR needs? Your project, your business, your needs are one of a kind. We’re here to honor that.