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Each year the Maine HR Convention brings together hundreds of HR professionals, executives, and business owners from around Maine. The convention features workshops and sessions for both HR credit (general) and Business credit (strategic), as well as dozens of exhibitors and sponsors, making this the premier HR networking event of the year.

One session sure to be of interest is “Seven Best Practices for Retirement Plan Sponsors” with Mike Lebel and Jennifer Breton from Lebel & Harriman. This presentation is for HR professionals and CFOs who are in a decision-making capacity for their company 403(b) or 401(k) plans, especially in the roles of selecting provider(s), monitoring investments, and/or engaging in plan design discussions.

Mike and Jennifer will walk attendees through the seven key elements that maximize efficiency and minimize risk, as well as lead to superior results for plan participants.

  1. Aligning your organizational philosophy with plan design
  2. Building an effective governance strategy
  3. Identifying fiduciaries and clarifying resources
  4. Investment revenue sharing arrangements
  5. Benchmarking plan fees (strategies and resources)
  6. Qualified Default Investment Alternative (QDIA):  The DOL’s favorite target
  7. Industry trends such as automation features, in-plan annuities, and
    the concept of income replacement ratios.

The presentation will take place on Wednesday, May 6, during lunch, from 11:45 am to 1:00 pm, as part of the “lunch and learn” Solutions Centers. To attend (and learn while you eat) you can join the Lebel and Harriman team in Solutions Centers 3, which accommodates small groups of 15 to 20.

If you can’t make the session or it fills up, be sure to visit Lebel and Harriman’s booth during the conference—and while you’re visiting them, stop to visit KMA at booth #7 (they are right next to us). Also, don’t forget to do a meet and greet and photo op with KMA’s conference mystery guest.

The Maine HR Convention runs May 5 to 8 at the Samoset Resort in Rockport, Maine. Registration is now open. For more information, visit http://www.mainehr.com/page/905/maine-hr-convention.