Employers received encouraging news from the latest Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement survey report from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).
According to the report, 88 percent of employees in the U.S. indicated they were at least “somewhat satisfied” in 2015 and 37 percent were “very satisfied” with their current jobs. This is the all-time highest overall satisfaction level reported since SHRM began fielding the survey in 2002.
Several key factors drove the satisfaction levels, with top job satisfaction factors identified as:
- Respectful treatment of employees at all levels
- Overall compensation/pay
- Overall benefits
- Job security
- Opportunities to use skills and abilities
- Trust between employees and senior management.
Since high job satisfaction correlates to increased employee productivity and retention, these are important reminders for what employers need to focus on to enhance job satisfaction within their own companies.
Employers can elicit employee feedback through surveys, directly, or through other forums and methods. When surveying, it’s important that the survey instrument be developed properly to ensure question validity and that you get useful information and high participation. Properly interpreting the feedback, developing a plan to utilize the survey data, and communicating to employees how you will make changes based on the results are also important for a successful survey process.
Looking for More Guidance and Support?
KMA can help. Contact us today if you are interested in learning more about job satisfaction and developing a survey for your employees.