On July 1, 2018, the minimum wage for the City of Portland will increase to $10.90 per hour.
- Employers who have “a place of business” within the City of Portland must pay every employee “who performs work” for the employer “within the municipal limits of the City” a minimum wage of $10.90 per hour.
- For tipped employees, the minimum direct wage remains at $5.00 per hour. Employers must pay the difference if the direct wage plus the tip earnings do not equal $10.90 per hour.
Portland employers should ensure they are meeting this new wage requirement. In addition, employers are required to post the City of Portland minimum wage poster and the ordinance in workplaces or job sites where employees work.
Employers should also provide each employee a notice advising the employee of the new minimum wage ordinance, and their rights under this ordinance, with the employee’s first paycheck for wages earned starting July 1, 2018.
For More Information
The City of Portland government website provides a number of references and resources for employers. Click below for more information, including a letter to employers and links to the updated minimum wage poster and the ordinance.