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Chances are, like most business owners or executives, you are immersed in planning for 2017 right now, dealing with everything from operations, facilities, technology, and marketing; to offering new products and services, and, of course, all things Human Resources-related: recruiting, training and development, benefits management, and compliance with various regulations.

Planning for your HR needs, let alone managing day-to-day HR activities can be daunting, especially for businesses that lack the time or in-house expertise necessary to do it themselves.

  • What will your staffing levels look like in 2017? Will you grow, downsize, or stay the same?
  • How will the Affordable Care Act continue to affect your bottom line and the benefits you must offer?
  • How will you comply with other new or changing employment laws? How can you find out what these changes are or will likely be in the months and years to come?
  • What will your recruitment and retention efforts look like in the next year? What do you need them to be to meet/maintain staffing levels?
  • What can you do to boost employee relations and employee engagement? What are some tried and true approaches that really work?
  • What about training and development, and building new skills to support new hires, new products, new offerings, or new ways of doing business?

People Planning is Important Too

When it comes to the success of your company, Human Resources planning ranks up there with effective business strategy and making sure your financial numbers add up. After all, your human resources are your most important asset, and without a pro-active approach to HR planning, it’s just about impossible to chart a successful course forward.

If it all sounds a bit exhausting, that’s because it is.

Need More Guidance or Support?

Since 2007, our team of seasoned and knowledgeable experts has been helping successful organizations do what they do best: grow revenue, increase market share, and build their workforces. If you’re interested in looking ahead to 2017 and beyond, a logical first step might be to engage in a KMA Human Resources Assessment of your company. One of KMA’s most popular services, our assessments are confidential and they are designed to help you pinpoint major risk areas requiring immediate action and address opportunities for improvement.

Contact KMA today for more information.