
What are the most common HR challenges we’re helping our clients solve today? Read our Q&A with Kim Rummler and find out!

Child Labor and Overtime Rule Updates

KMA wants you to be aware of two updates on the compliance front: one for Maine employers that utilize child labor, and a second related to the Federal exempt employee overtime rule. Maine Child Labor Law Changes The state has adopted the following changes, that went...
You’ve Got to Train to Stay in the Game

Finding the Talent Oasis in a Labor Market Desert

By Holly Lancaster Low unemployment, lack of skilled trades candidates, seasonal work challenges . . . all of these add up to making recruiting and hiring a challenge. How does an employer find and attract good candidates in today’s competitive job market? Here are...

Four Keys to Improving Your Culture

From the Pros at the HR Support Center In the previous articles of the series on workplace culture, we showed you how to identify and evaluate your culture by examining the rules that govern behavior, the traditions that facilitate interactions, and people you employ....

KMA Welcomes Team Member Sarah Evan

KMA welcomes Sarah Evan, who has more than 15 years’ experience as a Human Resources professional. Originally from Bath, Maine, Sarah launched her career in Vermont after earning a BS in Business Administration, with a concentration in HR, from the University of...